We have just added 2FA (2 Factor Authentication) to our client area system. You can now secure your client area using 2FA, this allows you to need a password as well as a device you own to login into your client area. 

You can setup 2FA by logging into your client area and clicking this link:

Our 2FA works with any OATH software such as Google Authentication for Android, or Apple’s OATH Token App for example.
Once activated, users will be required to provide a second form of Authentication that only they have access to. This Authentication comes in the form of a 6 digit passcode that expires every 30 seconds.

How does it work?

Upon initial setup you will be presented with a QR code to scan using your smartphone or tablet device.
Once this is scanned, the device will then store the authorization to generate a pass code and authenticate to your client area.
Every 30 seconds, a new 6 digit code will be generated through your OATH application of choice which will be used as your second form of Authentication during login to your client area.

Why do I need this?

Many individuals tend to use the same password for all of their login points. In the event that a malicious users gains access to one
login, they could potentially gain access to all other login-required sites – Like your Hosterbox client area.

Two-Factor Authentication puts a stop to that by requiring users who succesfully login in with a user & password combintation to use a physical device they posses for futher verification.


Thursday, September 21, 2017

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